If you want a toilet the size of a skyscraper, this cheat will fulfill that wish. Using this command while selecting an object allows you to grow an object to any size. The final, and arguably greatest cheat, is Shift + ]. Teleport Sim - Immediately teleports sim to selected position. Make Clean - If the object is dirty, becomes clean. Make Dirty - If the object can become dirty, it will. Modify in CAS - Edit in CAS, except name and inherited traits. Cheat Motive, Disable Motive Decay - Motives/needs freeze. Cheat Motive, Enable Motive Decay - Motives/needs change normally. Cheat Motive, Make Happy - Fills all motive/need bars and give the Happy Mood.

Add to Family - Add the selected sim to the current household family. When you shift-click on an Object or Sims, you'll be provided with several options on how to change them: Once testingcheats is enabled, you can also use a wide range of interactive cheats. You'll be able to change previously locked features of Sims like traits or styles. You can access another set of cheats by entering "testingcheats true." This allows you to then enter "cas.fulleditmode" for an enhanced version of Create-A-Sim. rosebud - Adds 1000 Simoleons to the active household's funds. resetSim - Resets the selected Sim's name. motherlode - Adds 50,000 Simoleons to the active household's funds.